Second Hand Uniform

Holmewood House School Shop – a 2nd hand Uniform shop on the school site, empowering disadvantaged children. 100% of proceeds to towards supporting both local and international charities.

Normal opening hours during term time are Monday 8am – 9am and Friday 3pm – 4.30pm. If you need something urgently, and are unable to make these times, please email the shop and we will do our best to help you.

Founded in 2006 and now registered as an independent charity, our trustees want to thank all our supporters. And a particularly big ‘Thank you’ to all those who have directly contributing towards this success by donating to the second hand uniform shop by buying uniform from the shop by helping run the shop.

In recent years your second hand uniform shop has helped:

  • educate township children in South Africa
  • teach literacy to shanty town children in Zambia
  • equip a day care centre in Uckfield for children with multiple disabilities
  • rehabilitate disadvantaged children near Maidstone
  • fund welfare support for underprivileged children from across Kent
  • equip coaches to help facilitate sport amongst deprived children

The shop sells second hand uniform and a limited selection of sports equipment that is in good condition.  It is run by parents on a voluntary basis, 100% of profits being donated to children’s charities.  The shop is located in the cellar of the Mansion House and can be accessed by the steps on the left of the main entrance to the Mansion House.

Holmewood House parents donate used uniform and some sports equipment which is resold, the entire profit from the resale being donated to charity.

Could parents please bring donated uniform (clean and in good condition) to the shop during opening hours.  Donations can also be left with the school office in the Collings Building, but please do not leave bags outside the shop if it is closed.

We will dispose of any items that are in poor condition. Other items that we are unable to sell will, where possible, be donated elsewhere. Unfortunately due to lack of space we are unable to keep a large stock. We accept current uniform and a limited selection of sports equipment, including dance leotards and shoes, judo outfits, football boots and shin pads, spikes and hockey sticks.

We accept payment via credit/debit card or cash.

We are always looking for new volunteers to help in the shop or work with the committee. The time commitment is small (just a few hours each term), so please email us if you feel you might be able to help with this very worthwhile cause.

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Complete this form and our registrar will be in contact to arrange a private tour or invite you to an open morning.