Nursery Sessions Available

A limited number of places are available for Nursery and Pre-Nursery for the 2024/5 academic year.

Children can attend a Morning Session (until 12.00), a Morning Session with Lunch (until 1pm), an Afternoon Session (12-3pm) or a Full Day.  A Full Day represents two ‘sessions’. We recommend a minimum of 5 sessions per week for Nursery and a minimum of 3 sessions per week for Pre-nursery. Depending on availability, parents may opt for a combination of morning and afternoon sessions, or go for a full week, including lunch.

For further information on available nursery sessions, please contact

Arrange a visit

Arrange a Visit

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Arrange a visit

Complete this form and our registrar will be in contact to arrange a private tour or invite you to an open morning.


We look forward to welcoming you to our Open Morning on 11th October 9.30am – 12pm. To book your place click here or contact admissions on