Enriched Humanities Programme

Preparation for life after Holmewood

At Holmewood, we aim not only to teach the girls and boys in our care but to inspire them to want to explore interesting and relevant topics, find out more for themselves and draw independent and cogent conclusions. With its innovative blend of traditional rigour and modern pedagogy, Holmewood’s two year Humanities course for year 7 and year 8, provides a stimulating and effective replacement for Religious Studies, History and Geography at Common Entrance and first rate preparation for further study.

Continuity, Change and Conflict

Moreover, it has been endorsed and fully accepted as such by every one of the independent senior schools that Holmewood’s girls and boys have moved on to in the past decade. The wide-ranging course adopts a thematic approach, considering the broad areas of Continuity, Change and Conflict at home and abroad in each of the distinct subject areas. One key strength of the course is the many site visits which form an integral part of the curriculum and vividly bring to life many of the topics covered.

Independence and Collaboration

Seeing is not only believing but understanding. The varied and flexible nature of the assignments and their assessment offers the opportunity for the girls and boys to work independently and collaboratively, discover and hone new skills and achieve success on many different levels. At the end of each year, the Heads of Departments from the future senior independent schools are invited to review and moderate all the work completed. The grades awarded then form part of the usual 13+ transfer record.

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Complete this form and our registrar will be in contact to arrange a private tour or invite you to an open morning.


We look forward to welcoming you to our Open Morning on 11th October 9.30am – 12pm. To book your place click here or contact admissions on admissions@holmewoodhouse.co.uk