
Music at Holmewood House

At Holmewood House, we acknowledge the profound impact that music can have on a child’s development and how it can interlink with all areas of school life. As such, the aim of the department is to promote music for all pupils attending the school, where every pupil is given the opportunity to develop their own musical creativity.

Throughout the school the pupils have one or two class lessons per week, during which they learn how to work in groups and understand the fundamental principles of composition and performance. The department is equipped with many percussion instruments as well as orchestral instruments with which to aid pupils understanding of instrumentation.

Confidence and Musical Progress

70% of the pupils at Holmewood have individual music lessons on at least one instrument. Each year around 140 associated board examinations take place during three visits by the Associated Board examiners. The department has three full time music teachers and 15 visiting teachers of various instruments. In order to develop the pupil’s instrumental talents the department runs choirs for every age group, a flute choir, string group, swing band, three age related orchestras to name but a few. We have many concerts throughout the year both group and individual and we will encourage the pupils to perform at least once a term to help with confidence and musical progress. Our Good Morning Performing concerts are weekly opportunities for children to perform in an informal setting in front of an audience and are hugely popular.

Support for Aspiring Musicians

The school expects to gain music scholarships for the most dedicated and talented musicians to senior schools at thirteen. Recently awards have been gained to Bede’s, Eastbourne College, Sevenoaks, and Tonbridge.

Holmewood House has a purpose built Music Department which houses one main teaching room, a midi linked keyboard/computer room with 11 computers, music offices, three instrumental storage room and nine practice rooms. The school has a 350 seat theatre which offers a wonderful venue with superb acoustics for the pupils’ concerts and for visiting artists. It also has a dedicated music room in the pre-prep for music and two teaching rooms for individual lessons.

We would be delighted to hear from you and invite you to contact us for any queries you may have. You can reach us on 01892 860000, via email at

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We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and Reception Small Group Tour on Friday 28th February 9.30am – 11.15am. To book your place click here or contact admissions on