Learning Strategies

The Learning Strategies Department plays a key role in helping to ensure that Holmewood House School is a fully inclusive, vibrant, educational environment.

We aim to help children find and refine the best strategies to support their own learning. We help children of all backgrounds and abilities, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, those with English as an Additional Language and those who are Able Gifted and Talented. Our aim is to help all children overcome any barriers to educational success, including those with pastoral needs or those with Social Emotional and Mental Health issues. We work with the academic teaching staff to help ensure that the teaching and learning is appropriately targeted to all pupils to ensure that they are successfully challenged and supported where needed. The planning of educational approach and content is personalised where applicable, to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our children.

Pupils’ needs may change throughout the course of their time at Holmewood House and therefore a wide variety of strategies are used to meet these needs as they arise. We recognise that children have different learning approaches and plan for these accordingly. We help ensure that any barriers to learning and participation are challenged and removed where possible. All pupils are provided with equality of opportunity. We aim to identify any special educational needs early through a rigorous process of observation and assessment. We work closely with children and their parents to ensure that the support we offer their children is second to none. The Learning Strategies Department is situated in the heart of the school, next to the Learning Hub. If you wish to find out more about the work of the department or the support that we can offer your child please contact Mrs Lauren Johnson, Head of Learning Strategies, in the first instance.

Departmental Sessions

Teaching and intervention work by the Learning Strategies Department is delivered across all year groups and may include:

• One-to-one specialist dyslexia lessons

• Phonics and numeracy support

• One to one subject specific lessons to support children through the Common Entrance

• Revision and study skills techniques

• Small group learning sessions

• Social communication group sessions

• Pastoral support and mentoring

• Movement interventions

• In class support

• We work with outside assessors to arrange diagnostic assessments and organise access arrangements for examinations

• Modified curriculum and materials including the use of assistive technologies

• On-line interventions

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Complete this form and our registrar will be in contact to arrange a private tour or invite you to an open morning.


We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and Reception Small Group Tour on Friday 28th February 9.30am – 11.15am. To book your place click here or contact admissions on admissions@holmewoodhouse.co.uk