Water Transport
This week in reception we have been celebrating Chinese New Year! The children have enjoyed making their Chinese lanterns and practicing writing Chinese numerals, we were blown away with how accurately they managed to write them! Meanwhile in the role play corner the Chinese restaurant officially opened this week, some very interesting and delicious meals have been ‘cooked’ what a creative bunch! We also enjoyed making our Chinese dragons and parading around the classrooms in time with traditional Chinese festive music. The children created dragons heads together in teams and we were very impressed with how well they communicated with one another.
A real highlight has been tasting delicious Chinese food, the clear winner were the fortune cookies and prawn crackers which went down a real treat! The verdict was out on the sweet and sour and bean sauce, but it was fun tasting it all the same! During maths, the children have been learning about capacity and we have been experimenting and estimating with filling different containers using terms such as half, empty, overflow and full.
We are sending Mrs Davidson all our good wishes as she starts her maternity cover, the children are looking forward to a visit after half term to meet the brand-new Baby Davidson! Baby cuddles incoming! Charlotte Lucas RSD