Year 8

Year 7 & 8 Information Evening

Thank you to all our Year 8s who showcased their work so brilliantly at the Information event on Thursday evening.


Plate Tectonics

Year 8 have been studying Plate tectonics looking at different plate boundaries and the link with tectonic activity in the form of earthquakes and volcanoes. Pupils then looked at examples of where these boundaries are located and the impact on people, the economy and the environment. They were then set the brief to design an earthquake proof or volcano proof house either as a model, a power point presentation or using Minecraft.  They had to research the design features and then create their unique design. Some chose to work individually whereas others worked as a team.

Their designs were brilliant ranging from a floating house to escape a volcanic eruption, a mobile home to evacuate from an earthquake zone and using titanium stilts to lift the house above the lava. Some of the groups used Minecraft with narration while others produced a Minecraft video and talked through their ideas while it was playing. There were some super creative designs, good teamwork, confident presentations and some brilliant outcomes.  Well done Year 8! Katie Seecharan

Saskia, Davincia and Phoebe Lam – earthquake proof house

Blanca and Kitty – volcano proof house

Saoirse and Harriet – volcano proof house

Maddie – Earthquake proof house

Betsy B – earthquake proof model

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We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and Reception Small Group Tour on Friday 28th February 9.30am – 11.15am. To book your place click here or contact admissions on