Year 4 24.1.25


The Y4s are learning how to use CAD software Techsoft, in order to design a picture frame. They are then having their designs lasercut into acrylic to manufacture their frames. James Murray


In Year 4 this week, we have been finding out more about sound. We made our own telephones to show how sound can travel in waves along a solid. We experimented to see if the sound was different when the string changed, for example if the string was loose or tight. We were really surprised our telephones worked round corners!


Writing extract based on the Dreamgiver, by Lorcan R:

Suddenly, I found myself in the barren Australian desert with only sly snakes and horrible spiders for company. When out of no where, a toffee van bumped over a huge rock and was in flames! Like a marathon runner, I sped to my Dad. In a trice, he had his colossal red fire truck out. Then he zoomed to the sweet van. Meanwhile, all the sweets were melting! Luckily, my Dad had come just in time. The sweet man gave us some of the toffee. Then I flew home on a majestic eagle to my fluffy bed.

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