Geography Trip
This week Year 5 enjoyed a fantastic Geography trip to Bough Beech Reservoir and FlowZone, run by SES Water. The damp and dreary weather did not dampen pupil’s spirits and laden down with coats, scarves, hats and wellies we arrived at the reservoir for a day packed with learning. Pupils watched how the water gets into the reservoir and the stages it goes through to get to our taps. We headed out in 2 groups to the reservoir and to see the cleaning processes first hand before heading out to the reservoir to explore the key features. They learnt about how the site was initially chosen for the reservoir and how the water from the River Eden is pumped in during the winter months. Pupils loved exploring the tunnel under the reservoir and listening for the water in the pipes! Back at the centre pupils enjoyed entered the Interactive Blue zone to find out how much water we use for daily activities like showering and flushing the toilet as well as using teamwork to connect houses to the water tower. Not as easy as it looked! Hopefully pupils now have a better understanding of how water gets to our taps and begin to make more of an effort to save water. A huge thank you to the members of staff who drove minibuses and accompanied the trip as well as to all the staff at SES Water for letting us come and visit and for looking after us so well. Katie Seecharan