Year 2 24.1.25


2KM have been using the maths website TOPMARKS to consolidate their learning about counting money. Katie Mackay

Forest School

2RL spent a crisp, sunny afternoon at Forest School where we went on a bug hunt.  Lots of wiggly worms were found! We also found some plastic so we discussed how we need to look after the planet and recycle items. Rose Lee

Karate Recorder

2KM have been enjoying their Karate recorder sessions in the music room. Katie Mackay


2CT began the week with a special assembly to celebrate Penguin Appreciation Day. The children performed beautifully, reading their lines with confidence, and the song ‘Together’ was a real highlight, bringing smiles to everyone’s faces.


In English, we enjoyed the story Whatever Next? by Jill Murphy. The children worked on sequencing the events of the story and explored how the author used Baby Bear’s imagination to create the exciting moon adventure. After discussing the story, the children were inspired to create their own adventures for Baby Bear, using cardboard boxes, cuddly toys, and household objects. They came up with some very imaginative settings and storylines! Catherine Thorley


In Maths, 2CT have finished our unit on money by solving a variety of problems, including two-step questions where children had to find the correct change. They practiced using real-life money in practical scenarios to build their confidence. Catherine Thorley


2RL have been finishing off our topic on maths.  Children have tried to further their knowledge of finding change by playing a shopping game.


Our text this week was Whatever Next! By Jill Murphy. The children began by ordering the story and trying to work out which parts of the story had been missed out.  We then used toys and objects as a stimulus for the children to plan their own Whatever Next! Story.  Ideas varied from a rolling pin becoming an oxygen tank, a tray turned in a skateboard and a straw with a bowl was a snorkel and mask.  I am now greatly looking forward to reading their own stories. Rose Lee

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