Reception 17.1.25

A Busy Start to Term

It is wonderful to see how the children have progressed  since their start in September – particularly with using their sounds in writing during choosing time. This term our topic is transport and the children are really embracing this. We have looked at the different parts of cars, learnt to make a tally chart for the different coloured cars in the car park. However, the highlight of the week was the motorbike visit  – how excited were they when they all had a turn to climb on, rev the engine and beep the horn. Much fun was had later trying on all the motorbike gear.  We have also changed our role play area into a travel agent and many exotic holidays have been booked. Sheilagh Schweitzer

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We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and Reception Small Group Tour on Friday 28th February 9.30am – 11.15am. To book your place click here or contact admissions on