Pre-Nursery & Nursery 17.1.25

Polar regions…

This week we embarked on our Polar Regions topic, exploring the North and South poles and learning about a range of animals that live in the Arctic and Antarctica. We listened to the story of “The Runaway Iceberg” which followed two Emperor penguins who became stranded at sea, and their quest to return to their families. The book focussed on the penguin’s feelings and the Nursery gave examples of times when they had to be brave. We found out that penguins give each other pebbles as a way of showing they care, and we look forward to painting our own. Alongside this, we carried out a range of ice experiments, discovering what happens to water in its different states. We also played a sorting game where the children enjoyed organising the animals into groups; farm, jungle, under the sea and polar. To turn this activity sensory, we asked the Nursery what we could use to make the snow and desert, to which they chose salt and red lentils. Next week we are hoping to tune into London Zoo to see some of their animals in their habitats.

Treasure box- Nursery

To support the children’s phonological awarenesses, we are beginning to introduce them to the name, sound and appearance of letter sounds . The majority of our learning will be carried out in our surroundings, through environmental sounds, body percussion and rhythm and rhyme. Going forward the Nursery children will have the opportunity to bring in an item from home beginning with the letter sound of the week. We will inform you when it is your child’s turn.

Show and tell…

If your child would like to bring in something Educational to share with their friends, we welcome them to do so. This encourages the children to build on their self-confidence, supports turn taking and builds on language, vocabulary and understanding as they ask and answer questions around their special item.

Nano Duke…

Please can you kindly inform a member of the Nursery team if your child is taking part in the new and exciting Nano Duke 🙂

New friends…

It has been lovely to welcome Zanna, Alf, Riley, and Teddy into Pre- Nursery and Hugo into Nursery this term and we hope they will be very happy.

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to a super term.

Warm wishes, The Nursery Team

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We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and Reception Small Group Tour on Friday 28th February 9.30am – 11.15am. To book your place click here or contact admissions on