The Learning Hub 17.1.25

New Librarians!

Congratulations to Sofia, Hannah, Alice, Bea, George, Anna, Mayra, Arthur and Zenon who are the newly recruited Y5 Librarians. They completed their training this week and are now fully knowledgeable about the library layout, the fiction and non-fiction labelling system and how to use Accessit to scan books in an out – their favourite part of the job! Their first task was tidy the shelves and then to prepare some lovely new books for the catalogue by adding stickers and barcodes. I look forward to working them all this term.

Geography Relax and Read

This week 5SM spent their geography lesson exploring the range of books available to borrow from the geography section in the Library. There are lots of books linked to their topics including one about water cycles which supports their trip to a reservoir next week. Catherine Duncumb

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We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and Reception Small Group Tour on Friday 28th February 9.30am – 11.15am. To book your place click here or contact admissions on