Year 4 have been learning about circuits. We made circuits using batteries, bulbs, buzzers and motors. We then looked at diagrams of circuits, predicted if they would work and then built them to test. Ellie King
Year 4 have been learning about circuits. We made circuits using batteries, bulbs, buzzers and motors. We then looked at diagrams of circuits, predicted if they would work and then built them to test. Ellie King
Year 4 have been building their scores on Times Table Rock Stars as part of the ‘England Rocks’ challenge. Charlotte Hall
Year 4 embraced Anti-Bullying Week, wearing their odd socks on Tuesday and creating their own ‘Choose Respect’ posters. Elizabeth Gorin
Zachary in Year 7 ran his first chess club session for Year 4 on Friday. He had 14 Year 4s taking part!
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