Year 615.11.24


Zoe E brought in her fossil collection to show the rest of her class.  What a treat! Thank you for educating us all about the fossils you found at Lyme Regis – a fine collection. Katie Seecharan


The Year 6 were out and about, enjoying the sunshine and collecting temperatures for their topic of microclimates. Before they left the classroom, they chose 6 sites to visit and then hypothesised about which of the sites would be the warmest and which would be the coldest based on the factors that cause microclimates – shelter, aspect, surface, buildings and physical location.  They spent the rest of the lesson taking the temperature at each site.  In their next lesson we will be finding out if their predictions were correct and why! Katie Seecharan


In French this week, Year 6 have been practising their sentence writing and how to develop sentences by adding time phrases, opinions and justifications, connectives and quantifiers. We created paper chains where each person had to add another piece of information to what was already written. Some of our sentences are really long!  Well done Year 6! Gaelle Simpson
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