House Monitors
Congratulations to our new House Monitors for this half of term:
Ash : Arthur & Charlotte
Beech : Ronnie & Ariella
Cedar : James
Cob : Artemis & Dexter
Oak : Arlo & Isobel
Yew : Luella & Faye
Congratulations to our new House Monitors for this half of term:
Ash : Arthur & Charlotte
Beech : Ronnie & Ariella
Cedar : James
Cob : Artemis & Dexter
Oak : Arlo & Isobel
Yew : Luella & Faye
This weeks in maths we have been adding across the tens boundary. We have done used different methods to do this from partitioning and number lines to beginning column addition. The children have lots of fun ringing our exchange bell. Catherine Thorley
This week in forest schools we have learnt about pine cones and where the pine seeds come from and the children got to use a bow saw Stuart Lee
Our topic this term is the Great Fire of London, our lesson this week we looked at houses during this time and how they were designed. In art we made our own period house. Rose Lee
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