The Three Little Pigs
Year 1 have been reading the story of The Three Little Pigs and thinking about the different materials the pigs used to build their houses. The children spent time designing, constructing and then writing about houses they thought the 3 pigs would like. This has led us into our science topic of Materials where the children have been looking at natural and man-made materials and thinking about the properties of materials we use in everyday life. Antoinette Faure
1BR LOVED designing and building a house for one of the three little pigs in our English learning today. They worked collaboratively and communicated their ideas and showed fantastic resilience and perseverance with their builds and using tools. They were totally absorbed in this activity and showed fantastic problem solving too! We had balconies, extensions, a curved roof and even a portcullis to keep the wolf out! Well done children on your awesome designs! Emma Bonwick