The Learning Hub – 13.9.24

Roald Dahl Day

Lots of exciting activities took place around the Prep school today to celebrate Roald Dahl Day. All pupils were invited win a Wonka Bar by finding all the teachers wearing a golden ticket on their lanyard. There was also a picture quiz competition and for Y3 and 4 a range of activities in the Learning Hub. These included: guess (by smelling) which 6 ingredients George used in his magic medicine, create an imaginary insect to live in James’ peach tree, imagine a beautiful dream for a person or creature of your choice that the BFG might blow through his trumpet and more…

Summer Reading Challenge

Congratulations to all the pupils who took part in the Summer Reading Challenge over the holidays. Participants were asked to at a minimum, read a book from the library and write a review on the online library WebApp. Those who were up for more of a challenge undertook five additional reading for pleasure challenges which ranged from a book to a recipe, poem and even instructions for a toy. The next additional challenge was to design a book cover for the book they had read or one of their choice and the ultimate was to turn their contribution into a mini book and perhaps add more pages. It has been wonderful to read all the interesting book reviews and now have them published online for everyone to enjoy. Well done to those who undertook the additional challenges and created some beautiful cover designs and mini books. Particularly well done to those who read a lot of books. Feedback from parents was it definitely helped motivate their children to read over the break. The prizes were vouchers for the café and the completed designs will be on display in the Learning Hub.

Reading for Pleasure

It has been wonderful to see so many children in the Learning Hub this week enjoying reading during break-times, and also during JBs. The new bean bags, sofas and books have proved very inviting! In support of the whole school reading for pleasure initiative, a reminder to all that Relax & Read will be on every Wednesday and the last fifteen minutes of JBs everyday will be devoted to exploring different types of reading from periodicals, picture books, readings from year 8 pupils and free reading.

Senior Librarians

If any Y7&8 pupils are interested in being Senior Librarians this year, please do apply by reviewing the job description, completing the attached form and dropping it off in the Learning Hub. We would love to work with you. Thank you!

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We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and Reception Small Group Tour on Friday 28th February 9.30am – 11.15am. To book your place click here or contact admissions on