Year 7 – 13.9.24

Year 7 Enrichment

The first group of Year 7 enrichment began last week with 7 pupils heading off to the Pre-Prep to carry out market research for a Holmewood ‘Dragon’s Den!

Pupils will be designing or creating a toy or game suitable for the younger pupils and pitching their ideas to a panel of ‘Dragons’.  Zachary, Pelumi, Jack, Henry, Trixie, Isla and Ralph spent time with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to find out the sort of toys the younger pupils like to play with and gather research about their favourite colours and games.  The pupils had so much fun and certainly had different styles of finding out information.  Henry and Zachary went for the more formal style of interviewing, while Jack, Ralph and Pelumi got down on the floor to play and Iris and Trixie quickly seemed to form a fan club in Year 2.  The pupils were also treated to an impromptu concert by the Year 1 pupils with singing and dancing!

Thank you to the Pre-Prep for hosting and to the Year 7 for being great role models to the younger pupils.  We will be back! Katie Seecharan

Year 7 Enrichment

In Year 7 Enrichment, the STEM activity got off to an uplifting start. The children were investigating the Science behind hot air balloons and the structures needed for them to fly. There were varying levels of success and they soon realised that the symmetry of the balloon was rather important in ensuring a straight launch! Alison Tripp

Year 7 Spanish

Year 7 Spanish have been playing “no snakes no ladders” today to revise how to talk about their name, age, birthdays and where they live. In some cases it was fiercely competitive! Madame Simpson

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We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and Reception Small Group Tour on Friday 28th February 9.30am – 11.15am. To book your place click here or contact admissions on