Visit to Dandelion Time

Interview with Graham by Ben and Noah:

How did the name Dandelion Time come about for this special charity?
As we felt the seeds are like children and the time because the time flies

What are the key aims of Dandelion Time?
To make sure all children are in good homes where they are loved and cherished and also to provide a safe space for children to feel better.

How many volunteers do you have?

What about full-time staff – do you have some? Or is it all volunteers?
Mostly part-time, only a few are full time

How much money has the Holmewood House second hand shop donated this year to Dandelion Time?

A lot. About £4500 this year. It takes about £3000 for 1 child to come here for ten sessions over a ten-week period

What difference does this make to Dandelion Time?
Massive. Dandelion Time would not exist without the support of organisations who give us around 50% of all of our funds.

How else does Dandelion Time raise funds?
From charitable organisations such as Children in Need. Some support from The Police, for example, as well

What would you say is your next big goal/ investment project?
To create some new buildings and to open up more centres like this, as there is such a huge demand for these services

Would you be able to share one quote with me from an anonymous family, showing what a difference Dandelion Time has made to their lives?

A child was very angry because he had been a victim of domestic abuse and did not want to do anything because he thought that it would fail. But we got him to make a clay pot and now he is a professional potter. He said that Dandelion Time was the thing that changed his life.

How did you start the charity?
It all started with an idea. We then established our key values and gradually got more and more people on board. We tried it out, kept evaluating and it all developed from the initial idea and the rest, as they say, is history!

Thank you so much for your time – have a lovely day. Holmewood House School.

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