Final Day of Term at Holmewood House – Reflections from our Head, Mrs O’Sullivan

What a wonderful term we have had. The children have had such a busy and invigorating experience over the last five weeks. There have been day trips and trips further afield and a wealth of educational and inspirational lessons and times spent in the classroom and on the Sports field. Our leaving Year 8 children have enjoyed so many events and workshops. We will be sad to see them leave but hope that they have had an amazing last term at Holmewood. Here are some reflections from our Head, Mrs O’Sullivan who has just completed her first term here at Holmewood:

“I remember a long time ago when I was leaving Dublin, a teacher who I really respected told me about the importance of endings and I remember, at the time, not really understanding what she meant. But I do now, and I always say the same thing to my own children, friends and colleagues. Sometimes when we leave, it is because we are ready to go, sometimes it is because we want to go and sometimes it is because we are forced to go. This can cause both positive and negative emotions. My advice has always been that wherever or whatever it is you leave from, leave with integrity, and always, always embrace the actual ‘leaving’ part. Make it a positive experience and it will do you much good in the future, particularly if you can let go of any negative feelings you may have. For some of our leavers, leaving Holmewood where they feel happy and loved and where they have spent many years will be difficult for them and yet it is a right of passage. The hugging, the tears, the acceptance that they are actually moving on are all emotions connected with their ending and although they may not know it now, they will look back with fondness and  the realisation that those carefree days of a childhood lived in prep school were wonderful! They are ready to move on and I wish all our leavers the very best of luck in their new schools. Once a Holmewoodian, always a Holmewoodian.

Here are some of my reflections from the week…

We lose the precious sense that an end is only a beginning in disguise. Lounsbrough

Everything that has a beginning comes to an end. – Quintilian

And for those philosophers amongst us….

The end of a melody is not its goal: but nonetheless, had the melody not reached its end it would not have reached its goal either. A parable. – Friedrich Nietzsche” 

Head – Mrs Ruth O’Sullivan

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