Holmewood Lecture Series – James Shone

Years 6, 7 & 8 were fortunate to have a talk from the founder of ‘I can and I am’, James Shone. Recently James’ life was turned upside down after getting his dream job, only to find out he had a large brain tumour. James now talks to schools and businesses about overcoming adversity.

James underpins much of his approach to life and his presentations with ‘Four Pillars’ – Belonging, Growth Mindset, Personal Intelligence and Hope. All the Upper School children watched and listened, captivated by James’ message, reminding everyone that they all have value, they all have a purpose and they can all achieve. James finished his talk by reminding the children to try and move away from the external pressures of social media and stereotypes, encouraging them to ‘be thankful’ for what they have and what they can do and to not let their ambition be inhibited by the actions of others.

The children were, as always, fantastically well-behaved, they asked thoughtful questions and highlighted the importance and value of extra-curricular experiences. Huge thanks to James and his team for the presentation this morning.

James’ talk will be published on the Holmewood House YouTube channel.

Mr C Murray

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