Year 7

Geography Trip to Birling Gap

Year 7 enjoyed a Geography fieldtrip to Birling Gap on Friday 4th October.  The sun was shining as we arrived at out first stop to observe the Cuckmere River and the stunning geographical features, including the floodplain, meanders and oxbow lakes.  Pupils sketched the view and labelled the key features of the landscape.  We then dropped down to Birling gap to explore the coastline and enjoy lunch at the lighthouse on top of the cliffs.  More field sketching was followed by time on the beach looking at coastal erosion and the impact of this on the local community and the National Trust cafe.  There was even time for an ice cream!

A huge thank you to the Mr Morgan Jones, Mr Meier, Miss Sorensen and Miss Barnes for driving the minibuses and supporting the pupils on the trip and to the Year 7 pupils for make the day so enjoyable. We definitely had the luck of the weather gods! Katie Seecharan


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