Year 2 20.9.24

Year 2 Monitors

We are excited to announce our Year 2 Monitors for this half of term:

Ash : Joe & Tabitha

Beech : Alexandra & Finn

Cedar : Henry

Cob : Albert & Letty

Oak : Ted & Camilla

Yew : Aurora & Hamish

Congratulation to you all! We know you’ll all do a fantastic job!

Forest School

Here is Year 2 enjoying their second Forest School in the glorious sunshine! Katie Mackay


Year 2 have been painting our self-portraits thinking carefully about the colours needed. Rose Lee


Year 2 have been investigating how objects can change shape by bending, twisting, stretching, and squashing and how some are elastic (return to their original state) and some are plastic (irreversible changes). Katie Mackay

Class Assembly

2RL had their class assembly this week.  The theme was on being unique.  The children did an amazing job of learning all their lines and a super job of staying focused when technology went a little crazy during their song!  A super well done! 🙂 Rose Lee


This week in maths we have been continuing our work on place value by building number lines with intervals of 1 and 10. We have been using this knowledge to estimate numbers on a number line. Catherine Thorley

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We look forward to welcoming you to our Nursery and Reception Small Group Tour on Friday 28th February 9.30am – 11.15am. To book your place click here or contact admissions on